Saturday, August 31, 2019

Importance of breakfast Essay

Wonder why your mom is behind you everyday insisting on having breakfast when you leave for college, school or work? Well she is right. Breakfast is important for each one of us. Let’s find out how? Breakfast which literally means breaking an overnight fast is the first meal of the day. This is the most important meal of the day. According to Ayurveda as well, food is digested best in the morning. Thus, heavy food stuffs like paranthas, laddoos, etc. can be had in the morning. This is because body is constantly using up energy during night for important body functions like pumping blood to all the parts of the body, breathing, etc. Our body is starving the entire night while we are sleeping and using up stored energy for performing the vital functions. Hence, fueling body early morning is extremely important to maintain adequate blood sugar levels and prevent the body from fatigue and tiredness entire day. Breakfast is extremely important for children and adolescents, as children who have a proper breakfast are more likely to have better concentration, problem solving skills and better coordination than children who skipped breakfast. Breakfast eaters are at a lower risk of gaining weight compared to those who skip breakfast. This is because breakfast reduces hunger throughout the day and these people make better choices at lunch and other meals. On the contrary, people who skip breakfast thinking they can save a few calories tend to eat more at lunch and other meals leading to weight gain. The last meal for us is dinner and the difference between dinner and breakfast is nearly twelve hours. A person who skips breakfast, for him, this duration extends up to 16 hours approximately. Our body is constantly at work and needs energy for the same. If we extend the difference between our dinner and next meal, chances are there that we might get fatigued and tired early. This affects the quality of work we do. Hence for this, breakfast is needed. Research says that people who eat breakfast have healthier diet overall. They eat healthy and make healthier choices. Those who consume breakfast cereals consume more vitamins and minerals needed for body function. Breakfast also plays a role in improving mood as complex carbohydrate cereals have a positive effect on mood. Research published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that â€Å"breakfast omission is associated with an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes in men.† Having seen the benefits of breakfast, let us check out some healthy breakfast options: †¢Oats in milk with apple. †¢Egg white omellete with chapatti and orange juice. †¢Moong cheela and milkshake. †¢Cottage cheese (paneer)/sprouts parantha with lassi (low fat and sugar). †¢Broken wheat dalia/lapsi and buttermilk alongwith a fruit. †¢Oil free ragi idli/dosa with sambhar alongwith a fruit. Breakfast provides essential nutrients so that you can start off your day well and stay energetic throughout. Skipping breakfast will have detrimental effect on health in the long run. So, eat your breakfast wisely and stay energetic! Do you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? A good breakfast provides the nutrients that people need to start their day off right. Studies show that children who eat a good breakfast do better in school than children who do not. Studies also show a link between participation in the School Breakfast Program and improved academic performance and psycholsocial behavior. Children who eat a good breakfast tend to perform better in school, and have a better attendance and decreased hyperactivity. Children who don’t eat breakfast tend to perform not as well, and also tend to have behavior problems such as fighting, stealing, and not listening to their teachers (Dr. Ronald Kleinman, Harvard Medical School). The School Breakfast Program provides a nutritious meal to children who might otherwise not eat breakfast, and is designed to provide children with one-fourth of their daily nutrients. This program offers fruit, cold cereal and milk daily, and some Coldwater Schools buildings also offer a variety of hot dishes like breakfast pizza, pancake wraps, and oatmeal. If your child eats breakfast at home, choose a breakfast with milk, fruit and cereal(grain product). These three foods can provide for a good breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast does not need to take a lot of time. In the next column you will find some quick and healthy breakfast ideas. The importance of breakfast Everyone knows that the key to successful weight loss is a combination of regular exercise, healthy eating and a positive mind. There’s no point working out five days a week if you’re going to give in to temptation and inhale three kebabs and a packet of Tim Tams when you get home. Healthy eating doesn’t necessarily mean dieting, it refers instead to eating sensible, balanced amounts of the right foods at the right times – and that includes a good breakfast. There’s a reason why people have said for many years that â€Å"breakfast is the most important meal of the day†. After six, seven or eight hours – if you’re lucky – of sleep, your body and brain need some fuel to power and prepare them for the day ahead. Like a car, you can’t run on an empty tank, you need some petrol. It’s a well known fact that people who eat breakfast lose more weight than people who don’t and this is  due to several reasons : 1.Breakfast provides the energy your body requires in order to perform activities. Therefore, you’re not so tired and can do more. 2.It kickstarts the body into producing the enzymes needed to metabolise fat, helping to shed the pounds. 3.Eating a good breakfast keeps you full for longer and may make you less likely to reach for snacks. In addition, breakfast is generally good for you. Those who eat breakfast are 50 per cent less likely, according to US researchers, to have blood sugar problems. Consequently, they have a decreased risk of developing diabetes or having high cholesterol levels which could lead to heart disease. Also, some breakfast foods such as grains, seeds and dried fruit provide vitamins and minerals that are hard to find in other foods. People who don’t eat breakfast often complain that it’s â€Å"too early† to eat or that they don’t have time in the morning. Paltry excuses! Ways to rectify this include not eating too late the evening before, going to bed earlier or eating breakfast on the train/ bus on the way to work. Who wouldn’t want to eat breakfast with such an array of delicious morning munchies options available? Uninspired? Try some of these: Make your own muesli by toasting some oats, then adding seeds, nuts and fruit as desired. Slice a banana on top, garnish with blueberries and pour on some yoghurt . This high fibre option will keep you full until lunchtime and the nutrients derived from the seeds, nuts and fruit will do all sorts of good. Alternatively, how about blasting lots of lovely fruit up into a smoothie, which you could drink on the way to work? Smoothies are far more filling than you might imagine and allow you to be really creative. Experiment with flavour combinations, thin out a little with water, milk, fruit juice or low-fat yoghurt and enjoy. For traditionalists, two slices of wholemeal bread with a scraping of butter and some Vegemite or a bowl of whole-grain cereal is fine. Top with honey or dried fruit for sugar and splash over some semi-or skimmed milk to reduce the refined sugar and fat content. To say breakfast is the â€Å"most important† meal of the day underplays how significant it really is. Providing energy, nutrients and warding off chronic conditions, can you really afford not to eat it? mproved Grades Eating breakfast can improve cognitive performance, test scores and achievement scores in students, especially in younger children. According to  a study published in the journal â€Å"Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,† students who increased their participation in school breakfast programs had significantly higher math scores than students who skipped or rarely ate breakfast. As an added benefit, the group of students who increased breakfast participation also had decreased rates of tardiness and absences. Increased Concentration Students who eat a low-glycemic, balanced breakfast may have better concentration and more positive reactions to difficult tasks than students who eat a carbohydrate-laden breakfast. According to research published in â€Å"Physiology and Behavior,† students given a low-glycemic breakfast were able to sustain attention longer than children given a high-glycemic breakfast. Children following the low-glycemic breakfast plan also had improved memory and fewer signs of frustration when working on school tasks. Try old-fashioned oatmeal with a handful of walnuts or some scrambled eggs with spinach, peppers and a sprinkle of cheese. Weight Maintenance Eating breakfast regularly may also help students maintain a healthy weight. According to a study published in â€Å"Public Health Nutrition,† children who skipped breakfast in the morning were more likely to overeat and have a lower overall diet quality than children who ate breakfast every day. This led to increased body mass index, or BMI, measurements. Considerations While eating any breakfast is better than skipping breakfast altogether, some choices are better than others. Carbohydrate-only breakfasts, such as bagels and toast, can give energy for one to two hours, while complete breakfasts that contain a balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates can keep blood sugar levels steady for hours, according to Try some toast with peanut butter and a piece of fruit or cereal with milk and glass of 100 percent fruit juice. If you have time, make an omelet with cheese, broccoli and some turkey bacon.

Friday, August 30, 2019

NASA’s Love Triangle Approach

In the workplace, consensual personal activities of individuals always affect the working relationship in undesirable ways. Often intimate relationships between co-workers emit preferential treatment at its best and discriminatory acts at its worst. Although Title VII does not declare intimate relationships in the workplace as an immoral, unethical and distasteful act, enough room for discrimination often produce a resultant effect when persons are disadvantaged due to a preferential treatment of another. There is a potential for hostility when widespread favoritism exists between male and female employees. In a professional working relationship, the workplace would be ideally free from intimate relationships to prohibit favoritism and thereby banning nepotism. Office romances though are not illegal and discriminatory given the increased amount of time spent together by co-workers giving value to their work. However, work is a serious business and management requires workers to act rationally while doing their job. This phenomenon should be a cause for concern when personal issues interfere with work-related issues. The three-way love triangle situation between Lisa Nowak, Bill Oefelein and Corlean Shipman threaten the traditional ideas of anti-nepotism and non-fraternization in the workplace. NASA capitalizes on its human workforce to proffer its interests. Although it’s governing code of conduct according to NASA’s Shana Dale upon interview (Orlando Sentinel, 2007) do not necessarily insisted regulations that guard and meddle on astronauts and other federal employee’s personal lives. No matter how we try to justify this explanation for NASA’s lapses I continue to insist that American companies have a natural desire to keep personal relationships at bay in the workplace in the face of corporate dilemmas over discrimination and harassments. Often management sees that relationships within the company lead to a conflict of interests and inefficiency resulting from spending time and energy on non-work related activities (Avelenda, 1998: 691). Under the guise of protecting employees from claims of sexual harassment, policies would often widen to informally restrict fraternization and intra-organizational intimate interaction. It was therefore a shock to learn how NASA completely disregarded the personal lives of its employees. Astronauts are usually subjected to stringent rules and equally invasive medical procedures. Nowak no doubt had undergone extensive medical and psychological examinations if protocols were followed prior and after her July 4, 2006 on the STS-121 mission which included a trip to the International Space Station according to NASA (2006). Her NASA bio declared her as a flight engineer with a rank of captain who logged almost 13 days in space and garnered the honor as the first Italian American in space. Her confrontation with a fellow NASA employee who was reportedly a rival for the affections of another space shuttle pilot definitely exhibits her gullibility to submit to effects of an emotional strain that is aggravated by strained relationships. NASA’s lapses in the face of the current situation involving the triangle love affair of their employees indicated the organization’s past disinterest over interpersonal issues involving their own working family. NASA has forgotten that Nowak at the age 43 and likely at the prime of her life after her shuttle trip last summer may have felt a bleak end to her career as an astronaut whose second and third spaceflights would be tough to get after space shuttles are scheduled for retirement in 2010(Orlando Sentinel, Feb.,2007). Bouts of depression are also not uncommon to astronauts who come home and are considered as heroes and overachievers. To recall, Edwin â€Å"Buzz† Aldrin as the second man to step on the moon after Neil Armstrong had alcohol problems after their successful return from their mission. NASA has therefore dismissed the complexities of an unpredictable human emotional response in the face of scientific calculable predictability. In response to Nowak’s arrest NASA should review the procedures involved in their psychological evaluations. The military have been instrumental in submitting their personnel particularly pilots for psychological intervention following extraordinary stress like divorce or deaths in the family (Christian Science Monitor; September, 2004). NASA may not have been helpful on this aspect. They may have forgotten how catastrophic consequences are brought about by a human element of error. It would therefore be beneficial for NASA and its employees to understand the stress of working in the space program and at least delegate focus on the personal relationships among its astronauts. Mccurdy (1999) once said that astronauts, like police officers, treat their profession as a way of life, not just a job. Despite any self-discipline, astronauts are enjoined to focus on their goals and keep on pursuing such goals which was seen in Nowak’s single-minded pursuit against a foe. It would help NASA if it should also establish protocols and policies that treat the grievances of their own personnel. A professional independent body that provides proper psychological help and emotional assistance and counseling for its personnel should be made available for its employees. This body’s aim is for the recognition of possible emotional and psychological trauma experience by its key personnel without being used to leverage employment standing in the organization. Any official involvement into the diagnosis and treatment would alert and divert employee-patients away from the program. Secondly, NASA must also work to regulate workplace fraternizing relationships through a less authoritative disapproval of intra-organizational romance. This would be properly implemented when put into writing for NASA to be able to eliminate its involvement in the future as an employer liability. Further, when inter-organizational romance and sexual relationships are frowned upon naturally, the well-discipline NASA astronauts would be consistent in their efforts to refrain from intimate relationships with their co-workers. Another alternative also is for NASA to require employees to report any consensual relationships within its initiation and aftermath through the proper human relations body. In the face of the current scenario between Lisa Nowak, Bill Oefelein and Corlean Shipman, given the organization’s growing exposure and in conjunction with being held liable for its apparent disregard for the well-being of its employees; I feel that NASA has an ethical and moral responsibility to support Nowak through her misdemeanor and refrain from painting her faults and deviant behavior. After all, Bill Oefelein seemingly exercised his dominion by maintaining two romantic relationships at the same time with two different women in the same organization thereby causing trouble for both. To restrict this trend, it would serve NASA if Oefelein should face a temporary suspension as well. Corlean Shipman is entirely the innocent party and ould not benefit any organizing body to involve her in any internal disciplinary measure that Oefelien shall face. Lisa Nowak is already facing criminal charges and yet, NASA is duty-bound to support her through this ordeal after all it has been remiss in its duties towards its employees and the whole scientific community and the public. Society must therefore scrutinize the various policies involve in National scientific and military organizations and regulate the intimate relationships of employees within their organization. This is to ensure that employees are not placed in an unnecessary position that requires them to choose between duty and relationship to enhance productivity and protect them from any emotional turmoil. Title VII may not be so keen on fraternization within official work and duty but somehow this has provided an avenue for harassment and discrimination in the past (Avelenda, 693). NASA as a healthy organization geared towards training personnel for space excellence must also recognize the full potential of allowing people to deal with their emotional problems with the assistance and help of independent human relations services that provide psychological evaluation, treatment and counseling for personnel particularly the ones who are involved in missions. Works Cited Willoughby, Mariano, Cabbage, M., Lundy, S. and Hunt, A. (2007).The Orlando Sentinel. February 7. Avelenda, Saily M. (1998).Comment: Love and Marriage in the American Workplace: Why No-Spouse Policies Don't Work. PA. J. LAB. ; EMP. 691, 693 . United States. NASA. (2006) Astronaut Biography: Lisa Nowak. Accessed : 04 April, 2007 Editorial. (2004). Anyone Ever Prepared To Kill? Christian Science Monitor Magazine, September 29. McCurdy, Howard. (1999). Space and the American Imagination, new ed.   Smithsonian. ;

Thursday, August 29, 2019

7 Eleven Target Market

7 Eleven Target Market This investigation of the small business, 7-Eleven chain store, was conducted over two month period from July, with many sources of information, such as the actual stores and the information from internet. The 7-Eleven chain store was established as an ice house in Dallas, Texas in 1927, and it is one of the world’s largest operator, franchisor and licensor of convenience stores. This article seeks to explore a comprehensive description and understanding about 7-Eleven and try to find out the secret of success, as well as giving some suggestions. The 7-eleven chain store was started out in 1927 and was introduced to Australia in 1977. An ice dock employee in the Southland Ice Company began to offer milk, bread and eggs on Sundays and evenings when grocery stores were closed. This new business idea produced satisfied customers and then the chain store was established. In November 2005, 7-Eleven, Inc. became an indirect subsidiary of Seven & I Holdings Company, a Japan-based or ganization. Their prime function is to consistently serve the changing needs of customers for their convenience. The store can always adapt quickly to meet the customer’s changing needs. It is the most obvious feature that makes it different from other convenience stores. With the newest products and services applying in the store, and the newest ways of business operation, the store can be operated more efficiently than others. For short, the perpetual improvement made the store keeping ahead in so many brands of chain stores. As a convenience store, 7-Eleven mainly faces three types of competitors. The first on is supermarkets, such as Wal-Mart. Second, small shops (probably not has a brand). Third, other brands of convenience stores, such as Lawson (founded in 1975 in Japan). The targeted customer is young single working people, usually un-married, as a result, the location of 7-Eleven always near office buildings, shopping malls, parking lots, subway station, et al. Besid es the traveler is also its main customer. In Australia, â€Å"stores in suburban areas often operate as petrol stations† (, 2010). 7-eleven, Inc. is the word’s largest convenience retail chain. The company operates franchises and licenses more than 7,100 stores in the U.S. and 7-Eleven licensees and affiliates operate approximately 31,400 7-Eleven and other convenience stores in countries including Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, China, Australia, et al (, 2010). The main distribution of 7-eleven around the word can be seem in the table bellow fig.1 Fig.1 the main distribution of 7-Eleven around the word Territory First Store Opened Number of Locations United States 1968 584 Canada + 1969 457 Mexico 1971 1,180 Japan 1971 12,753 Australia 1977 397 Sweden 1978 191 Taiwan 1980 4,735 China (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou & Macau) 1981, 1992, 1996, and 2005, respectively 1,680 Singapore 1983 493 Philippines 1984 469 Malaysia 1984 1,115 Norway 1986 177 South Korea 1989 2,282 Thailand 1989 5,409 Denmark 1993 126 Beijing, PRC 2004 93 Shanghai, PRC 2009 20 Indonesia 2009 5 Rsource: (4) Suppliers It can be seen from the table bellow that the most commodity of 7-Eleven is food, in which the processed food account most. As a result, the main supplier of 7-Eleven is food maker, especially who produce the processed food. The non-food products suppliers is various, such the provider of a variety of prepaid card.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Best Practice Articles Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Best Practice Articles Report - Essay Example They form the informed generation. They can move with ease on the changes in technology. Therefore, they better understand the social market. However, they should not be allowed to lead because they lack the qualifications needed. Companies, just like people, promote their friends. Therefore, B-to-B marketers need to create relationships with their customers to make sales. They should also treat each client as unique individuals so that they can satisfy their needs. B-to-B marketers should focus on making a personal impression rather than a business impression to customers because despite the efforts put in promoting a product, people buy out of their emotional needs more than logic. It is easier for companies to manage the feedback of their clients when there is a standardized method of gathering such information. However, the response should be spontaneous because a uniform approach makes the response less effective. The articles give a brief summary of the B-to-B market as well as business. They tackle the mistakes that the business makes in trying to increase sales. The internal setback would be choosing conservative methods. Businesses should be at the front in innovation, especially since the nature of the operations is dynamic. They should also popularise their brand, taking full advantage of the SEO tools. The business course teaches how to deal with customers because they will determine whether a business makes profits or not. The topic on organisation buyer behaviour reflects on the various articles. An example is the article on ‘How Personal Emotions Feed B-to-B Purchases’. It teaches on what one should focus on when they try to make sales. The articles describe how businesses can expand their market opportunities; a topic that is vital in the course. The online site navigates online shoppers and when properly used it can increase sales. The younger generation who are more acquainted to the social media can be excellent

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Human Services Delivery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Services Delivery - Essay Example But now people worldwide really doubt whether the Red Cross, is really involved with the same mission. This is due to a series of mishandlings that the American Red Cross has been involved in the recent past, with respect to the relief efforts being carried out following the 9/11 attacks and the Hurricane Katrina in 2005. ( ) Investigation of the response of the American Red Cross to the Hurricane Katrina emergency concentrating mainly the New Orleans area When the Hurricane Katrina crossed over to the US in 2005 and started to ravage the various parts of the US, the New Orleans and the Mississippi areas were the worst devastated. Most of the affected people in these areas felt that, the America Red Cross was very slow in their response to the disaster and the relief work was heavily crippled due to the inadequacy of the shelters across the affected areas of New Orleans and Mississippi. As a result of this they were not in a position to provide adequate food as well as other necessary facilities, which were quite essential for the people during their worst times. Indeed it was the coastal areas that were totally neglected by the Red Cross organization and they argued that there were logistical problems associated with it, since adequate shelters were not set up. It was a really appalling situation since the victims felt that they were neglected by the American Red Cross when compared to the huge funds and donations, which they had received from the American government. It was argued by most of the top officials of the American Red Cross that, the organization felt the need for setting up shelters in areas which did not have risk of getting flooded and was safe for the survivors of the Hurricane Katrina. Most of the people felt that the organization did not make its presence felt in the rural as well as the densely populated areas, which were in dire requirement for relief and rehabilitation. The flood hit areas did not have relief shelt ers and so adequate supply of food and relief materials could not be routed to these coastal areas. The officials also argued that the Hurricane affected areas was so vast that, the organization was not in a position to deal with such a situation properly and in a timely manner. These factors complicated and hampered the whole issue of the flood relief to the New Orleans and the Mississippi areas. The Officials also pinpointed the lack of fuel that was very much required for transporting the essential supplies to the affected areas. But when compared to these areas that were worst hit, the other areas that were present in the other states across the US, were served much better by the American Red Cross. The way the American Red Cross used the 6 core tasks of Case Management in managing the clients during the Katrina emergency. Case Management is a management system, which helps in the administration of the care for individuals who are in a serious state of disturbance both physicall y as well as mentally. Indeed it is through the process of the Case Management, that the people in any social organization are able to prolong and improve the quality of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing Strategy - Orange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Strategy - Orange - Essay Example However, through the course of time, the success of online retailers proved to be a factor of its resources and how it employs these to achieve its specific goals and objectives. From its humble beginnings, Tesco Plc has gained the reputation of being the largest British retailer in terms of global and local shares. It is estimated that in every  £8 UK retail sales,  £1 is spent on Tesco (Tesco Plc 2007). Recognizing the growth opportunities in the virtual marketplace, the giant retailer has decided to establish online presence during 1994. Three years after, Tesco has started an online shopping which it named Tesco Direct (Tesco Plc 2007). Since then, Tesco has started offering grocery and food items in its virtual store, On August 2006, the company announced the offering of non-food items in its online store under the name Tesco Direct. This marketing strategy has proved to be very efficient and profitable for the retailing giant. During the fiscal year 2006, the company announced a total annual turnover of  £33.974 billion and reported a pre-tax profit of  £1.962 billion. Out of this,  £1.2 billion is shared by in terms of total revenue and  £83 million in terms of profit. Even though the share of is meagre compared to total turnover and profit generated by Tesco Plc, its growth has been remarkable. The fiscal year 2006 reports online sales double-digit growth of 29.2% while profits soar by 49.5% (Tesco Plc Annual Report 2006). Compared to its rivals in the UK retail industry, captures a higher market share at 65%. Walmart-owned Asda chain lags behind with 16% while Sainsbury corners 14% (Best 2006). Its success has also been documented as it has been named the only retailer which has been able to make online shopping profitable (Walker 2006). The recent trends and developments in the global market stress the huge emerging opportunities in online retailing. In the UK alone, there has been a sharp rise in the number of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Violence cannot be properly understood if it is approached as an Essay

Violence cannot be properly understood if it is approached as an evolutionary aspect of human nature'. Discuss - Essay Example Research related to sociopathy and psychopathy shows that violent activities are generally committed by individuals whose psychological functioning is different from normal individuals, which leads to the fact that violence should not be understood as an evolutionary aspect of human nature because there is a causal relationship between abnormal brain chemistry and violence. This paper intends to discuss this thesis statement. Violence cannot be understood as an Evolutionary Aspect of Human Nature Ferguson (2008, p.321) defines aggression or aggression control as evolutionary or adaptive traits of human nature; but, when he talks about violent behavior or violent anti-social behavior, he asserts that it is such an â€Å"aggressive behavior that is excessive or uncontrolled and results from either of two pathways† which include instrumental violence and reactive violence. The former type is related to â€Å"genetic contributions to aggressive personality traits† (Ferguson ) while the second type involves biological deficiency or damage in the impulse control system. Thus, we prove that violent behavior can be better understood if it is approached through genetic or biological aspects of human nature rather than evolutionary aspects. However, we cannot totally ignore the evolutionary aspects of human nature being responsible for violence. ... Among children, there are many psychological disorders that convert into violent behavior. Youth Violence (2001), A Report of the Surgeon General, has suggested that there are two developmental pathways leading to violence: Early- and Late-Onset Trajectories. â€Å"Children who commit their first serious violent act before puberty are in the early-onset group, whereas youths who do not become violent until adolescence are in the late-onset group† (Youth Violence, 2001). Disorders like Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) which, at later stages, gets converted into Conduct Disorder, and Antisocial Personality Disorder are also responsible for the development of violence in one’s personality. The causes of ODD are mainly biological in addition to evolutionary. Damage or injuries to specific delicate areas of a child’s brain can cause his behavior to suffer which is a biological cause for ODD. Neurotransmitters, that are chemicals present in the brain, can also be he ld responsible for ODD as their abnormal levels in the brain hinder with the proper communication of neurons with each other causing their messages to not being transmitted throughout the nervous system. The presence of other psychiatric disorders like ADHD or mood disorders also initiates the occurrence of ODD in the child’s behavior. Studies have blamed the chemical serotonin to be chiefly responsible for oppositional, defiant, hostile and violent behavior. Aggression and violent behavior that occurs after puberty also involve abnormality in the hormone, testosterone. Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is a psychiatric condition in which the individual becomes violent and violates other people’s rights because APD snatches away

Social Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Inequality - Essay Example Dan Croteau, a roman catholic, a widower and father of two daughters coming from a working class has met Cate Woolner, a Jew, a widow and mother of two sons coming from a rich aristocratic family and they decided to tie their relationship through a marriage after a long dating session. Both of them had failed marriages and hence they have taken extreme care in knowing each other well, before engage in a marriage relationship. (LEWIN) This paper analyses different perspectives of this marriage of two un-equals. Dan Croteau was a normal person coming from a working class family where as Cate Woolner was coming from an aristocratic family. The difference in wealth is a major factor which can make or break a marriage relationship. A male and female irrespective of their financial capabilities may fall in love due to infatuation. But after marriage, these financial differences often come into play. But in Croteau’s and Woolner’s case, both of them have taken extreme care in order to remove the bad influences of differences in financial capabilities in their married life. Ms Woolner has taken measures to raise the standard of living of Croteau. â€Å"Ms. Woolner gave him money to buy a new car and pay off some debts.† (LEWIN) Another difference between these two was the difference in their educational levels and earnings. In order to reduce the gap in education and also to increase the earning potential of Croteau, she agreed to pay for a $10,000 computer course that helped prepare him for his current job as a software analyst at the Cheshire Medical Center in Keene. (LEWIN) It was another wise move from the part of Ms. Woolner as it increased the earning potentials of Croteau which made him more comfortable in their life. Both Croteau and Woolner were coming from different religions; Christian and Jew respectively. But both of them were able to convince their family members about the strength of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Implementing Strategy and Leadership Ethics Assignment

Implementing Strategy and Leadership Ethics - Assignment Example Culture is considered as a core element in the overall vision of any organization (Schein, 2010). The first way of embedding culture into the organization is through avoiding cultural drift. Even though it is easier to follow some cultural practices, there is a tendency of ignoring them with time. A drift comes in and the main culture is supported by several gestures. There is a tendency to overlook the important cultures of the organization. Therefore, leadership should recognized and reward those who are consistent with following the core organization’s culture. In talking about organizational midlife, it means that the organizations have been in existence for a period of between 35 to 75 years. Such organizations are complex in terms or character of the employees and a fascinating folklore. They tend to be a bit resistant to change than the younger entities. Things tend to be more stabilized for these types of organizations and they have their own way of carrying out their daily duties. Additionally, they have a culture that drives their success or failure in all their initiatives. This type of organizational soul-searching in most cases is triggered by a number of factors (Schein, 2010). Ethical leadership basically needs ethical leaders. If an organization has ethical leaders, they will find it easy to ensure ethical practices are followed in the organization, right from the management to the subordinates. Naturally, leaders are in a position of power, either on or off-duty. Therefore, ethical leadership focuses on how leaders leverage their power in the decisions they make and ways they influence others (Schein, 2010). By demonstrating ethics in leadership, leaders promote a high level of integrity. The integrity they promote stimulates trustworthiness and equally encourages the subordinates to accept and follow the organization’s vision. Basically, integrity and character

Friday, August 23, 2019

Old Guard and Avant-garde Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Old Guard and Avant-garde - Essay Example This essay discusses that John Cage professed radicalism in his compositions through his early years. John Cage had several interests in his pursuit of artistic life. For instance, it is worthy to note that Cage enrolled in a creative writing institution. He later drops out of the same while explaining that the institution utilized few texts in writing. The incident of the creative writing institution was a manifestation of someone who easily got dissatisfied with repeating others’ ideas. At the same time, he respected their creations. In addition, Cage began piano lessons in his childhood days while never declaring that he possessed an interest in the same. Such an early disinterest might have expressed later as an exceptional creativity in his works. Cage even tried his brains on Greek architecture until he got bored of the same. Despite Cage’s new concepts, he had earlier influences that triggered his interest in composition. During his stay in Europe, he had an infl uence from John Sebastian and Igor Stravinsky. Cage’s universal appeal in his compositions might have been derived from his traveling experiences. His other interests included painting and theater. His most relevant moments of his genius are explicit in his study period with Schoenberg. Schoenberg later described Cage as an inventor rather than a composer. Cage’s life is evident of adventure that goes beyond music. In this article, it is vital to highlight his musical experiments. Cage defined everything as music. This illustrates the use of silence. (Bernstein & Hatch, 2001). This illustrates by the use of silence to create the 4.33 composition. In this composition, he requires the listener to listen to sound of the background. Cage commenced experiments by employing different equipments as musical instruments. He used domestic items such as spoons, plates and sheets (Nicholls, 2002). He later taught and continued exploring, on non-musical objects, to enhance composit ions. The flow is a piano sound. It is void of the pressure of earlier compositions as it oozes out. John Cage displays his experimentation skills by utilizing single instruments for whole compositions. The composition of sonatas and interludes provides a unique articulation. It entails four sonatas that precede one interlude. The pattern repeats itself with four sonatas and one interlude. This follows a pattern of mirroring effect. It composes of a ten-unit structure that exists in the proportion of 3-2-2-2. An example is sonata-four that gives a measurement of one hundred. Cage employs the instruments to fit in the overall structure rather than the microstructure (Nicholls, 2002). This displays a new structure that Cage tries to infuse into a composition. Previous compositions entailed the same that strived to engage musical

Thursday, August 22, 2019

United States Army Essay Example for Free

United States Army Essay The rhetoric writing skills that I have been learning as a modern-day student in English composition is certainly relevant to me because of my profession. To be an effective leader of the United States Army and to be able to provide adequate counseling to my soldiers, I must be able to get my ideas across effectively in both writing and speaking. Rhetoric, being the art of using language to communicate effectively, involves communicating my vision and effectively being able to express my ideas and disagreements. It is essential to me as a Signal Support Systems Specialist and my units ability to accomplish its mission. The study of rhetoric is valuable in allowing me to further enhance my abilities in persuasion, public relations, and technical writing that I use in my job. As a leader, my first priority is to ensure that I not only understand the mission assigned, but that I am able to communicate the intent, standard, and goals to my team. This is accomplished through writing out operation orders that are later discussed in detail in a small forum. Since there are cases where the decision that was made may not be in the best interest of my team, rhetoric is applied to communicate such concerns. There are also instances that the Senior Advisor in Signal Support to the commander delivers briefings and presentations. Having studied rhetoric, I am able to easily provide a presentation that is not only is informative but also gives various courses of action that can be implemented. Currently, under my supervision are three soldiers. As their leader, I must communicate consistently and effectively and this is done through verbal and written counseling. The purpose of counseling these soldiers is to ensure that they are sufficiently equipped and informed about their tasks and responsibilities. This highlights rhetoric’s importance in my ability to perform to standard. Rhetoric may be an ancient form of communication; however it is still prevalent today and allows me the ability to perform effectively daily. New Orleans is more than a tourist city to me. It is my home. It is where I was born and raised. To others, New Orleans may only be known for its Mardi Gras and Bourbon Street, and more recently, Hurricane Katrina. But this city is known for so much more that just these things. New Orleans is alive with culture, music, heritage, and great food that not many have even heard of. New Orleans is famous all over the world as the birthplace of Jazz, and is nicknamed Hollywood South for the numerous movies that have been filmed or produced in or around the city, including The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Last Holiday, Glory Road, and others. New Orleans has hosted nine Super Bowl games and the Nokia Sugar Bowl. This place is also the home of the Essence Music Festival, New Orleans Jazz Heritage Festival and other events. New Orleans is a multicultural city that is rich with heritage and history that dates back to 1718. The multicultural environment can be owed to the fact that this place is a major port city. A testament to this is the presence of Americas oldest black neighborhood, Faubourg Treme. The Faubourg Treme is located between the boundaries of North Rampart Street and North Broad Street and from Canal Street to St. Bernard Avenue. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, Faubourg Treme was the first place free persons of color could purchase ownership of land and real property during a time when America still patronized slavery. New Orleans is a very musical city. It can be heard all throughout the city from local jazz musicians, brass bands, and high school bands. Music can be called the heart of New Orleans where people can enjoy them from street performers to any night club to where live performances are done. This is the only city where death would be celebrated with a jazz funeral, which begins with a march by the family, friends, and a brass band from the home, funeral home or church to the cemetery. I have a lot of recorded music from multiple arts and performances that people can listen to and enjoy as a testament to the musicality of the community. New Orleans is also known for its great food. There are a variety of food choices including fine dining restaurants to the local cafes, delis, and pizzerias. One of my favorite restaurants that is a must-try is Copelands Cajun Bistro located 1700 Lapalco Blvd. in Harvey, LA on the Westbank. The variety of Cajun dishes and seafood platters are worth the two hour wait without reservations on Friday and Saturday nights. A must-try dish is the ricochet catfish, which is great combination of Cajun and seafood mix. New Orleans is unlike any other city in the world. It has a great past and a promising future. When coming to visit, plan on returning for additional trips because no one can experience everything this city has to offer in just one visit. I mentioned a few places can be enjoyed doing on your trip but, there is so much more. I have lived here my entire life and I still have not taken in all of the culture, music, heritage, and great food New Orleans has to offer. Enjoy your trip! Being a Signal Support Systems Specialist in the United States Army, I use technical documents daily. In the field of Tactical Radio Communication, I refer to technical manuals to be my guide. There was a sixteen week course of training I went through to learn how to operate various equipment. The technical manuals used for the equipment I use have complicated flow charts and diagrams that contain instructions on how to effectively operate them. By fully understanding the technical manuals and how to operate the equipment, I transform the technical language into simpler terms others less versed with them will be able to understand and operate the equipment. If my audience was unfamiliar with the equipment, it wound be difficult for them to understand the text inside of a technical manual. This is why, when I give instructions to personnel who do not have the same knowledge as I do, I reconstruct my text so that that my class would understand. When explaining the contents of the technical manual, common words are used to explain the point of the book. Words like SINCGARS, Cypher Text, and DAGR are changed to better understand into simpler words such as radio, secure communication, and GPS. Choice of vocabulary for a general audience will get your point across without confusing your audience, and give them a general idea of what you are saying. When crafting the sentence structures, short and concise sentences are used to capture the attention of my audience. The technical manual is filled with a lot of safety warnings and limitations that are very lengthy. Constantly reading these limitations can confuse, scare, and take away the attention span of my audience. Instead of constantly reading safety warnings every three to five lines, I omit the scenarios the audience would not face to make it easier to follow. This will simplify the understanding of what they are reading. In any writing, it is important to pay attention to your choice of text, sentence structure and sentence length. Breaking down the contents of the technical manual taking out the use of technical terms and replacing with common words, it would be easier for my audience with no knowledge of the equipment to understand. The use of basic terms makes it easier to keep the audience attention and help them understand them importance of what you are describing to them. I chose threes three essays to be in my portfolio because these are where I learned so much. These three essays show different styles of writing that I can use both in my personal, everyday communication as well as in my profession. These three essays also contain many of the points that were important for me to improve on. From vocabulary to grammar to mechanics, I have seen where I can improve my written English skills to best serve me now and in the future. The way I edited my work is through reading it first. There are many cases when I thought that the sentence just doesn’t read or feel right. So in the first instance, I focused on style before I went to the detailed nitty-gritty of the whole essay. Such cases like the first sentence of my first paragraph, â€Å"As a modern-day student of English composition, the style of rhetoric writing is most applicable to me because of my profession† I changed to â€Å"The rhetoric writing skills that I have been learning as a modern-day student in English composition is certainly relevant to me because of my profession. † I did this because I felt that the flow was better and that it hammers the point across better than the previous sentence. Another example is the change of the sentence from â€Å"Since the city serves as a major United States port, New Orleans is a multicultural city† to â€Å"The multicultural environment can be owed to the fact that this place is a major port city. † To aid these changes, I also extended my vocabulary so that I would not sound redundant in my work. Such instances include deleting nouns and using pronouns in their place or using other nouns (such as â€Å"city† for â€Å"New Orleans†). Sometimes, I even revise whole sentences in order to reduce the number of times I need to write the actual noun I was referring to. In terms of vocabulary, using a more extensive choice of words also worked to keep the flow of the sentences moving, but more importantly, make the point clearer. A case in point is when I used â€Å"Faubourg Treme was the first place free persons of color could purchase ownership of land and real property during a time when America was still immersed in slavery† in my earlier work and replaced it with â€Å"Faubourg Treme was the first place free persons of color could purchase ownership of land and real property during a time when America still patronized slavery. † The precise use of the words made it clear that America was using slavery instead of the former which can be confused as Americans being in slavery themselves. This highlights the importance of using precise language in delivering our messages and getting our points across more clearly. I was also careful of the use of punctuation marks when I revised my three essays. I noticed that I often do not use a comma when a comma is required. I also observed that I use the wrong spacing in between words; most especially in between two sentences (after the period and before the first word of the next sentence). These errors, I also removed. I also followed comments given on my papers. One such example is cutting a redundant paragraph in the last essay (on the point that most of the key information can already be found in the first paragraph). Other things I followed are accepting the comments and revisions made on the paper when some sentences and words were changed or deleted or added to. I also took notes on important comments and internalized them, such as giving out topic sentences. I revised my work to accommodate the comments and revisions made on my paper and kept an open mind about the mistakes that I made to make sure I learn my lessons well. In all, I learned so much from the exercise of drafting my writing and editing them. I have learned the importance of editing because without it, I make so many mistakes and these mistakes might become a source of confusion to those who will read my work. I also know that if I edit, I can make my points clearer and that I can even emphasize things that are needed to be emphasized when they are not done so in the first place during the first draft of my work. In all, many of my editing came from conscious decisions that I learned in class.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Multibacillary Leprosy (MB) Case Study

Multibacillary Leprosy (MB) Case Study 1.0 Summary of scenario and potential consequences This case is based on a 32 year old female with multibacillary leprosy(MB). Leprosy, also known as Hansens disease, is a chronic infective disease caused by acid-fast, gram-positive Mycobacterium leprae (M.leprae). Several modes of transmission have been suggested such as skin contact and sexual activities but the primary mechanism is via air by mouth and nasal discharge of untreated infected people. Leprosy can be considered in two parts in which the first milder form involves infection of superficial tissues such as skin. This indeterminate state is usually surmounted by human body eliciting sufficient immune response, with approximately 95% people being not susceptible. Nevertheless, if the body produces too high or too low a response, the second more severe form develops and progresses leaving deformities in areas such as skin, nervous system, mucosa, limbs and eyes. Thus, depending on the patients immune response, leprosy is classified by the World Health Organization(WHO) into MB in which the bodys defense system is ineffective, and paucibacillary leprosy(PB) which produces aggressive response.1 In terms of skin smear tests, MB which has large number of bacteria in skin lesion would produce positive results while PB produces negative results. Another type of classification known as Ridley-Jopling classification divides leprosy into 5 stages; tuberculoid(TT), borderline tuberculoid(BT), midborderline/borderline(BB), borderline lepromatous(BL) and lepromatous(LL) leprosy in which the latter three are the equivalent of MB. In 2009, leprosy cases were reported in 121 countries.3 Based on WHO figures, the number of new cases detected in 2008 was 249007 while the registered prevalence of leprosy worldwide at the beginning of 2009 was 213036. Although there has been a steady fall in the number of new cases detected annually, leprosy remains a global threat. In terms of signs and symptoms, those possibly encountered are numbness, nasal discharge and various kinds of lesions, macules, nodules and papules. More severe symptoms may be diffuse skin thickening, eye lesions leading to cataract, secondary infection and nerve lesions. Although leprosy can affect all people, various specific factors predispose to leprosy. Firstly, leprosy typically affects people living in tropical and subtropical climate such as Africa and South East Asia. People in endemic areas as well as the poor and marginalized community are at greater risk of contracting leprosy. In terms of age, leprosy demonstrates an age-related pattern with peak incidence in children below 10 years old and mid thirties while rarely acquired by infants.2 Besides that, men are generally more susceptible than women and genetic factors may play a role too. Despite years of incubation period, the differential diagnosis of leprosy is vital because the treatment duration is prolonged. Also, an accurate diagnosis helps in determining the appropriate and effective treatment. In vitro culture of M.leprae is not feasible given the extremely slow growth rate. Methods that can be used include skin lesion biopsy and nasal smears done using Fites acid fast tissue staining which stains the bacilli red in a blue background or using Hematoxylin and eosin stain (HE) for histological confirmation.2,4 The number of bacilli visible will denote the type of leprosy. Additionally, phenolic glycopilid-1(PGL-1) characteristic of M.leprae can be distinguished using serology techniques. Given its low mortality rate, leprosy confers debilitating repercussions nevertheless both physiologically and psychologically. Leprosy causes hypoesthesia due to impaired peripheral nerve function, muscle weakness as well as glaucoma, iridocyclitis and inflammation of the eye. As a result, patients are prone to injuries due to diminished vision, and inability to feel and control the body. The incidence of ocular problems is markedly elevated and treatment has proved to reduce prevalence of these complications as described by Gupta et al, whereby 66.3% active leprosy patients manifested ocular problems compared to cured patients at 14.3%.5 If blindness occurs, the relative death risk in blind patients compared to non-blind patients augments by 4.8fold.6 Additionally, leprosy causes clawed fingers and toes, hypopigmented skin lesions with severe ulcerations especially on feet and hands, and facial deformations. These disabilities occurs more frequently in MB patients than in PB patients,5,7 and it was suggested that MB patients have higher risk of death compared to PB patients; the average death age being 5 years younger.8 Contrasting prevalence of deformities was concluded in different studies which includes 56.97%,7 82.4%,9 84.4%,10 67%11 and these differences may be the result of improper examination technique or dissimilar grading criteria. However, the point to note here is that all studies acknowledge the severity of this disease. Apart from imposing restrictions on physical mobility, such immensely conspicuous debilities have led to a stigma linked to leprosy. Leprosy patients are often subjected to public prejudice and discrimination, leaving them significantly affected both socially and economically. Therefore, accurate diagnosis and aggressive commencement of leprosy treatment is essential to improve patients quality of life and to decrease mortality rate. 2.0 Treatment options 2.1 First line therapy The current first line therapy include dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine. Dapsone is a bacteriostatic antibacterial active against M.leprae. Its good oral bioavailability allows its administration in tablet form. However, dapsone monotherapy is no longer used as several studies have established profound drug resistance.12,13,14 Following this, WHO recommends the use of three drugs; dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine, administered as multiple drug therapy(MDT) for MB.1 Supporting this is a systemic evaluation by Kundu et al. which compared dapsone monotherapy to MDT and proved that MDT was significantly superior with capacity to prevent dapsone resistance.15 The current MDT dosing is dapsone 100mg and clofazimine 50mg daily self-administered, and rifampicin 600mg and clofazimine 300mg once monthly supervised. Several studies have shown that MDT is effective in eliminating leprosy with low relapse rates.16,17,18,19 For example, Georges et al. demonstrated that patients treated with MDT until bacterial clearance showed no validated relapses in the follow up period between 4 months to 5 years and 10 months.16 If adverse effects or contraindication occurs resulting in MDT termination, WHO recommends alternative regimen.20 However, it is vital to ascertain conclusively that the negative effects are due to MDT. Dapsone should be terminated immediately if patient develops adverse effects such as Dapsone Hypersensitivity Syndrome (DHS), with rifampicin and clofazimine continued at usual dosages. The use of only rifampicin and clofazimine was proven effective for dapsone intolerant patients as described by Sapkota et al.21 These patients treated for a mean duration of 15 months post-dapsone cessation showed steady decrease in mean bacteriological index(BI). Next, if rifampicin is ill-tolerated, alternative therapy comprises clofazimine 50mg, ofloxacin 400mg and minocycline 100mg daily for six months, followed by clofazimine 50mg combined with either ofloxacin 400mg or minocycline 100mg for at least 18 months; given under supervision. Ji et al showed that ofloxacin eliminated 99.99% rifampicin-resistant cells after 22 doses in two months.22 Finally if clofazimine has poor acceptability, MDT can be replaced with ROM comprising rifampicin 600mg, ofloxacin 400mg and minocycline 100mg given monthly for 24 months. In a field trial in Senegal, patients on ROM showed satisfactory progress with exceptional compliance(>99%) possibly attributed to the simpler monthly dosage.23 This combination was further advocated by S. Ura24 and Villahermosa et al25 which compared 2 years ROM treatment with MDT. The studies concluded that both therapy depicted similar advantages regarding their effect on BI, their safety and tolerability. The latter study also showed no relapse after follow ups 5 years later or more. 2.2 Second line therapy Ofloxacin and pefloxacin are broad-spectrum flouroquinolones used as second line therapy for MB. They are bactericidal acting via inhibiting enzyme DNA gyrase required in DNA replication. Patented in 1982, ofloxacin has been reported to have profound effects on leprosy. A clinical trial executed by Ji et al showed killing of more than 99.99% of viable M.leprae in skin smears inoculated into mouse foot pad, with significant clinical improvements by day 56 of therapy utilizing 400mg ofloxacin daily.26 Also, its effect was not enhanced when combined with clofazimine and dapsone. A similar study by Jianping et al which also utilized mice footpad inoculated with leprosy patients skin biopsies had analogous findings, with no M.leprae growth detected.27 These studies supports the notion that ofloxacin possesses strong bactericidal activity. Comparing pefloxacin to ofloxacin, it was found that pefloxacin was less active, requiring 150mg/kg to exert bactericidal effect compared to 50mg/kg fo r ofloxacin.22 Although minimal side effects were encountered in these studies, the short duration of therapy will not vouch for this as severe adverse reactions have been reported including tendon damage, peripheral neuropathy, cardiovascular toxicity and hepatotoxicity. Moving on, the broad spectrum minocycline is a tetracycline antibacterial which can be used in patients intolerant to dapsone or clofazimine.28 In a clinical trial by Fajardo et al, patients treated with 100mg daily minocycline for 6 months followed by WHO MDT manifested distinct clinical improvement within the first month with negative PGL-1 antigen at the end of 6 months treatment.29 However, it has been reported that minocycline induce hyperpigmentation which resulted in termination of therapy.30 This side effect ought to be considered particularly when minocycline is used to replace clofazimine. In terms of bactericidal activity, minocycline is considered more effective than clarithromycin, but significantly diminished activity compared to rifampicin. Next, clarithromycin is a bactericidal macrolide which suppresses bacterial growth by preventing its protein synthesis. A few clinical trials have shown the advantages of clarithromycin including its capability to kill M.leprae, considerable clinical improvement, patient acceptability and minor adverse effects.31,32 Daily dosage of 500mg revealed killing of 99% bacilli within 28 days and 99.9% by day 56.32 However, limited studies with clarithromycin for leprosy use have been done. Until further researches are carried out, clarithromycin remains the second line treatment for multibacillary leprosy. Since the past two decades, concerns over established dapsone resistance and increasingly emerging rifampicin resistance have set interest on use of either thioamide or clofazimine concurrently with rifampicin. However, clofazimine was chosen by WHO due to reports of hepatotoxicity when thioamides were used with rifampicin.33,34 Nevertheless, ethionamide and prothionamide are two thioamide drugs being investigated currently as monotherapy for leprosy treatment. Although mainly used for tuberculosis therapy, both drugs have been shown to exhibit significant anti-leprotic activity based on a clinical trial by Fajardo et al.35 Treatment was well tolerated for both drugs with a clinical progress of 74% and 83% respectively. Prothionamide was found to be superior to ethionamide and the overall efficacy of both drugs was similar to that of dapsone and clofazimine. However, they were less efficacious compared to rifampicin, ofloxacin, pefloxacin, minocycline and clarithromycin. They are al so more expensive than dapsone. Consequently, thioamides are generally not recommended. Finally, rifampicin and Isoprodian comprising dapsone, prothionamide and isoniazid were used in Malta Leprosy Eradication Project(MLEP).36 During the 30-year project, the leprosy prevalence steadily declined with exceptionally low degree of relapse and toxicity. It was suggested that treatment with two Isoprodian tablets daily and 600mg rifampicin tablet completely eradicated leprosy from Malta. This may well set the baseline for leprosy treatment. However, Isoprodian being not readily available became a drawback in proceeding with this therapy. Also, the MLEP posed several limitations including the confinement of the project to a relatively small area which hinders its feasibility in larger areas. Additionally, the fact that leprosy was already declining in Malta before the project commenced in 1971 raised questions over the true effect of the therapy on leprosy elimination. 3.0 Treatment recommendation and supporting evidence After discussing the treatment options available, 24 months MDT is recommended for the 32 year old female patient in this case. This decision is made based on the evidences presented previously on efficacy of MDT and also the fact that not many reliable studies have been conducted on other alternatives. The clinical pharmacological principles of each MDT drug and more evidences will be presented in this section to justify the recommendation. Firstly, dapsone is an established anti-leprotic agent acting via preventing dihyrofolic acid formation thus inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis crucial for M.leprae development. In terms of adverse effects, dapsone has been associated with side effects such as methaemoglobinamia, haemolysis, allergic rhinitis, neurophaty, aganulocytosis and DHS consisting Type 1 reversal reaction and Type 2 erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) reaction. However, at doses used for leprosy treatment, these side effects are uncommon.37 Besides, DHS can be ameliorated with corticosteroid therapy. In order to curb resistance against dapsone, it should be used concomitantly with rifampicin and clofazimine as MDT. Also, there has been evidence of significant decline in frequency and seriousness of Type 1 and 2 reactions in patients on MDT, possibly due to rapid arrest on leprosy progression and clofazimines anti-inflammatory action.20 Next, rifampicin is an antibacterial which plays a major role in inducing rapid M.leprae cell death by inhibiting RNA polymerase involved in protein synthesis. Rifampicin has good oral bioavailability as it is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. A monthly 600mg dose is highly bactericidal and is almost as effective as rifampicin given daily as subsequent doses do not augment killing rate proportionately. Thus although rifampicin is expensive, a monthly dose contributes to its cost-effectiveness, feasibility and compliance.20 The downside of rifampicin is that adverse effects such as hepatotoxicity have been reported thus requiring frequent liver function tests and blood tests to detect liver impairment. Other common side effects include gastrointestinal disturbances, fever, headache and rashes. Also, being a liver enzyme inducer, rifampicin upregulates cytochrome P450 resulting in enhanced metabolism of many concomitantly administered hepatic cleared drugs. However, th is effect is relatively minimal due to its once monthly dosing. Furthermore, though rifampicin increases dapsone clearance rate, no changes in dose have been necessary as concluded by Pieters et al.38 Interaction with clofazimine is also not likely as rifampicin lack tendency to accumulate in tissues due to its relatively short half life (2-3 hours) compared to clofazimine (70 days). The third drug used in MDT is clofazimine which based on the MDT dosage is the most well-tolerated amongst the three drugs and is practically non-toxic.39 It is a bacteriostatic antibacterial which has predilection towards mycobacterial DNA and inhibits bacterial growth. A mere 300mg loading dose once monthly may well serve as a repository to maintain sufficient drug in the body.20 However, the downside to its use is that some 75-100% patients encounter pink colouration of the skin, but this side effect is reversible months after stopping therapy.40 Given its efficacy yet without serious adverse effects as proven by various studies and clinical trials, it would be obvious to use clofazimine as part of MDT.41,42,43 In terms of duration of MDT, the recommended duration of MDT has been constantly. WHOs previous recommendation of 24 months therapy showed high efficacy with very low relapse rate. However, in the Seventh Expert Committee(1997), the duration of MDT was shortened to 12 months.1 A study conducted by Sales et al. showed that the decline in bacillary index and occurrence of adverse reactions was analogous for both 12 and 24 months MDT.44 However, this was opposed by US National Hansen Disease Program (NHDP) which stands firm with 24 months MDT with the perspective that more vigorous and longer treatment duration generates higher efficacy with lower relapse rate.28 It also mentioned that the 12 months MDT recommended by WHO was due to cost consideration in developing countries. Besides that, based on the BNF, treatment for at least 2 years is necessary for MB.37 The fundamental objective of leprosy therapy is determined by the relapse rate and degree of disability. Having said so, many studies have showed that the relapse rate after completion of MDT for 2 years yielded either zero or very low relapse rate.45,46,47,48,49,50 These studies are parallel to a long term follow-up by Shaw et al45 which proved zero relapse using this regimen and also by a retrospective analysis conducted in China by Shen et al47 which showed that out of 2374 patients followed up for a mean of 8.27 years, five patients had relapse resulting in a relapse rate of 0.21/1000 person-years. Another basis for the 24 months MDT was the review by WHO which revealed a very low relapse rate of 0.9/10 000 person-years in analysis of more than 20,000 MB patients.49 Furthermore, Katoch et al reported that follow-up conducted between 12-44 months after MDT treatment revealed deterioration in patients who received only 12-18 months treatment and continuous improvement in those giv en 24 months therapy.51 Thus, a 24 months MDT treatment would be the wise choice for this patient. Bearing in mind that this patient is a 32 year old female who is at her child bearing age, it is paramount to ascertain if she is pregnant or lactating. Extreme caution should be undertaken if she is pregnant or lactating, taking into account risks-benefits of leprosy treatment. Several studies have demonstrated adverse effects encountered by pregnant and lactating females such as relapse, type 1 and 2 dapsone reactions and peripheral neuropathy following therapy and are thought to be due to suppression of immunity during pregnancy and breast-feeding.52,53,54However, some studies have showed that these drugs can be used safely during pregnancy.20,55 Thus, although MDT may incur risks to pregnancy and exacerbate leprosy, a well-organized health plan, frequent and regular supervision may well outweigh the risk with its potential benefits.4,54 Also, effects of MDT on lactating is very minor. Although significant amount of dapsone is found in breast milk, its risks to infants are very m inimal. In contrast, the quantity of rifampicin in milk is too small to be harmful to the baby. Likewise, only minute amounts of clofazimine are excreted through breast milk and thus far there have not been reports on severe negative effects on breast-feeding except minor skin discolouration of infant. All in all, treatment using 24 months MDT has proven highly successful with rapid conversion of disease state from infectious to being non-infectious even after the first dose. MDT remains the ultimate option due to its apparent benefits of curing and stopping transmission of leprosy, its virtually zero relapse rate, minimal side effects, ease of administration and storage, cost-effectiveness and vast clinical evidences. Additionally, patient and public education is vital to aid patient compliance and improve understanding on leprosy. In this context, health professionals carry tremendous responsibilities in giving social support and psychological rehabilitation to help patients cope with the physical and mental distress caused by the disease as well as curing the stigma of leprosy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Evaluating a Hotels Strengths and Weaknesses

Evaluating a Hotels Strengths and Weaknesses The hotels are constructed to provide visitors meals provisions, asylum but beside this some big hotels do provide bar, entertainment , casino, tour and travels, swimming pool facilities etc. hotels do provide all the customized furnished household that make relax travellers or visitors. Historically hotels are used for many functions, serving for business purposes, for social activities, for public assembly, for political purposes, for vacations, and for permanent residences. In short hotels are a vast industry. Hotels can be categorised into two kinds:- Chained hotel: when there are a numbers of hotel with the same brand name around the globe and all hotel possess same name and identical features. Its brand name is shared by many proprietors in return of fixed payment. (According to the tri hospitality consulting) The UK Chain Hotels sample is composed of 489 hotels with an average hotel size of 185 bedrooms. For example -Hilton hotels in UK. Independent hotel: Hotel that are run and managed by itself. It may have many other hotels by the same name at the different location but it does not allow other proprietor to use its brand name, For example -Burj al Arab(Dubai),white swan inn inyorkshire,42 the calls in Yorkshire etc. ABSTRACT Results of which kind of hotel industry is best suited to survive in a slowing economy is depends on market factors whereas other factors have less influence as cost drivers are restricted by the slower economy .chained hotel industries is very like the globalisation whereas independent hotel industries are very like to small business entrepreneur. Customers always expect responsive policies in terms of the facilities and services given to them. As a result the integration, strategy, proper planning for the expansion and analysis based on the information system always allows the proper coordination and proper measurement of the all factors which may act as constraint in the growth in the slower economy. SECTION 1- Any hotel, retail store and relevant business can be opened in two ways: Set its own name and create its own brand name. This way independent market strategy can be set up its own term and condition for all the policy. A hotel set in this way is termed as the chained hotel or a part of the independent hotels. Whereas another way is to buy a franchise and act according to the parameter set by the brand name owner. In the way, branding cost and advertisement cost get reduce down and cover the maximum number of the geographical area. A hotel set according in this way is termed as chain hotels. Example of the chained industries -MacDonalds, Intercontinental, Whitebread, permira , Here Macdonalds is presented in all areas across the UK and any proprietor can buy a franchise of the MacDonalds in return of the fixed payment. Hotel industry is getting shirked because of the depression in the spending power of the consumers and decrease in the room occupancy in the all hotel. Various company also decreasing the number of business trip by its executive in order to cost cutting so that respective company can survive in the recession. Bob Bailey, partner, Baker Tilly said: It is predicted by forty percent of European hotel executives that more than five hotel chains will go into insolvency in the coming year Following are the way to fight with the slowing in the economy:- The best way to fight with the recession is to increase share of the hotel in the market. Create packages for the premier tourist company or power company By creating loyalty to a particular group of the company so that these company will be the first to see the offers and add on provided by the hotel group. Hotel should talk to the supplier in order to get sum up marketing and advertisement. Hire entrepreneur who invent new idea as live in accommodation for the general staff in order to increase efficiency. COMPETITIVE THEORY MODELS: According to the porter, following five points are key point of the analysis of the complete market for planning, business development, making business development, analyse the competitors. Porters Five Forces of Competitive Position:- Existing competitive rivalry between suppliers Threat of new market entrants Bargaining power of buyers Power of suppliers Threat of substitute products (including technology change) Factor which do affect the competitive approach of any hotel:- Analysis of the competitor hotel: Analysis of the competitor shows the growth of the competitor hotels and their approaches, strategy, available hotels and their specific services in the particular ares, breakup of the fixed cost, and trends of the competitor hotels. New players in the hotel industry: Positive and negative point of the entering into the hotel industry at the particular time, Where is the geographical structure of the area, population breakup of the area, Resistance while entering into the competition for example -a hotel is going to open in the oxford city and the normal rent for 24 hours in that area is 50 pounds, so till the point that hotel is not going to enhance the services provided or lower the rents, the success of hotel is not guaranteed. Power of the Enterprises/hotel: This Factor including the reputation of the brand incurred in the market in that geographical area, type of the hotel i.e. is it a small-medium or a chain hotel? Geographical coverage of the hotel in the area, quality of the rooms and services. Customers buying power: Buyers choice, buyers number in that area i.e. ratio of the hotel to the customer, importance of the services i.e. some particular service (luxurious service) is required or not. Threat of the substitute: Legislatives change and implementation in the particular area change in the fashion with the change in time. One more factor involve in this very much as change in the market distribution. One more method SWOT (Strength, Weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis is an important part of the strategic planning model. The throughout environmental scan is divided into two parts:- INTERNAL ANALYSIS: STRENTHS or positive parts of the hotel/entrepreneurship are listed down. For example Cost advantages in the fixed cost, strong brand name, good reputation among power customer. WEAKNESS or negative parts of the hotel/entrepreneurship are listed down. For example-Bad location of the hotel, high cost structure, poor reputation etc. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS: -OPPORTUNITY may reveal the certain new opportunity for the great increase in the profit percentage of the hotel. A sense of increase in the luxury, Implementation of the latest technology for the measurement or human convinces. Osbourne (1995) argued that the entrepreneur must first identify an opportunity and then create a marketing and financial plan to  capitalise on the idea. THREATS: -changes in the external factor which causes the harm to the firm or hotel is known as threats. For example A change in the regulation of the hotel or firm. CHAINED HOTEL INDUSTRIES: According to the DELLOITE TOUCHE (UK budget hotel survey) 35% are leisure tourist, 57% are business transaction and almost all these transaction occurs in the chained hotels. Following is the chain penetration of the UK hotel industry: Whitebread( hotels-361,rooms-27555), Intercontinental ( hotels-188,rooms-25000), Hilton group (( hotels-75,rooms-14,794), Permira( hotels-231,rooms-12596),BIL( hotels-56,rooms-10761), Accor( hotels-79,rooms-10003), Premier lodge( hotels-131,rooms-8130), macdonalds, CHE and Jarvis hotels. In short, total these hotels contains 1,30K number of rooms.(source: Mintel company data) To some extent, the evidence-represented by the growth of multiples, especially in the fast-food and accommodation sectors over recent decades is incontrovertible. However, the extent to which multiples have taken market share and will continue to grow at the expense of smaller operators is more questionable. As several commentators have pointed out (for example Morrison, 1998)(reference-Alison Morrison and Rhodri Thomas) INDEPENDENT HOTELS STRETAGY: Peacock (1993) provides an alternative outlook in terms of the dynamics of the small business sector. He argues that standardisation inherent in chain operations -stifles  innovation. As a consequence, dynamic small firms might continue to thrive, even in prime  locations. Given the low barriers to entry, and the highly segmented nature of demand (reference-Alison Morrison and Rhodri Thomas) It is critical to recognise that a different and significant range of the management concern in the small hotel industries. Specially , the role played of the marketing ;quality section of the management ;importance and implementation of the information technology; the relationship between the business strategy and small independent hotel; business planning and growth ; and entrepreneurship. Webster (1998) states that strategic management plays the most important role in the growth of the independent hotel industries. A independent hotel seems to grow when feature of the firm and strategic decision taken by the firm overlaps. Although strategic decisions are important but if the other critical factors are absent:- Small hotels marketing is more distinctive than acknowledged Incorporation of the quality management with the operation and financial identity of the independent hotels When the bond between proper implementation of the strategy and implementation lacks. According to the strategy maps (book by HBS press) if an entrepreneur cannot measure the growth, you cannot hold it. In short, business growth occur only when for the independent hotel industries when there is proper synchronisation between ownership, firms characteristics , strategic decision made. STEP TO BE TAKEN BY INDEPENDENT HOTEL INDUSTRY IN THE ECONOMY SLOWDOWN TIME: In response to the slowed economy time, most independent hotelier lowered rates and slowed down the all kind of cost on the short term basis. It is not enough to compete with the chained hotel industries that have greater financial power to stay longer in the competition. Direct sale:- sale people always comes to meet their target as there is great demand for the respective hotel but if the demand is not appropriate in that case ROI falls for the sale representative . In that scenario, an independent hotel industry needs to fix a database for the potential businesses and contact them for the hotel usage. Example Case study(Hospitality e-business strategy) Key Customer Segments: Number of Searches on Major Search Engines in 07/08 The major hotel chains simply do not have the bandwidth to market to these locally based audiences. Itis up to the franchised hoteliers to identify and approach these local markets. As mentioned, the Internet is the preferred communication and marketing medium for all of these important customer  segments. If you do not speak to each of these audiences, you will lose most of them to your competition. Technology: For example free local phones and now a days a guest travel with the latest gadget so to survive and maintain the growth rate. Locally present:-chain based hotel industries main customer base is outside the community where the hotel is present. In order the positive points of the independent hotel is the cost factors. Independent hotel need to be a good active part of society as a result society will advertise that hotel in return. Internet:-Internet is the most cost effective and way to reach the potential users .here opportunity is equal for the chained hotel as well as independent hotel. The Positive side is this that -Independent hotel have less content, as a result they can keep updating their site as soon as possible than the chain hotels. Best services on the block:- Great services can overcome the price resistance and any loophole of the hotel. Hotel owner should maintain warm and service oriented people. Traditionally, it has been assumed that small businesses should use the same Management techniques as their larger counterparts (Welsh and White, 1981). However, research carried out on the relative effects of planning on the sales and profit performance of small businesses have shown both positive relationships between the planning function and sales/profits (Ackelsburg and Arlow, 1985; Bracker and Pearson, 1986; Jones, 1982; Schwenk and Shrader, 1993) and no relationship between the use of planning activities by small business owner/managers and performance (Gable and Topol, 1987; Robinson and Pearce, 1983; Robinson et al., 1986; Sexton and  van Auken, 1985). LIMITATION AND THE CHALLANGES OF THE HOTEL INDUSTRIES: The controls to monitor progress so that corrective actions can be implemented as and when A way of evaluating success and progress The controls process Set goals what do we want to achieve? Measure performance what is happening? Evaluate performance why is it happening? Take corrective action Fast changing world gives many challenges to the hotel industries. The success of the hotel industries depends upon the forces that will get changed by synchronisation with the world. To identify those driving force is the most compact and critical part for the surviving in the slow time of the industry. These driving forces may include the globalisation, knowledge based environment, employees, add on services, value addition to the customer who are repeating the experience. E-commerce is the main player of the hotel industry and hospitality industry. Hotels and tourism industry are interlinked so there is a need of well structured information system or intelligence system facilitate to access the hotel related to the tourism industries but many times information is highly fragmented and users are not able to extract the required information, In the hotel industries, usability and reusability is the measure of the consumers experience but research regarding users experience should properly analysed and implemented for further customers satisfaction. Globalisation is also the main challenge in these days as every company is expanding its consumers base as a result every domestic company is getting converted into multinational company. Tourism companies are making their base to the all countries as a result customer demands their known hotel to the other country as well. In that scenario, chain hotels industries do survive as there is no scope for the independent hotels. Renewal of services and those services get liked by the customer who are experiencing the same hotel second time as expectation keeps growing with the time. Employees and their stabilization with the same hotel: as employees increase their time with the same hotel, they expect increment in the salary but as salaries of the employees get high then cost also gets increase as a result profit decreased. Share-holders expectation is to rise in the rates of the return of the investment in the hotel industries by the financial institutions, For example-According to the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Currently the ten largest international hotel chains average 12.3% returns to shareholders and are under pressure to match financial market leaders like Shangri-La and InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) which return 16% to shareholders every year. As a result more pressure on the hotel industries to cut cost and increase profit. Continuous restructuring and employment insecurity: -frequent and fast change in the ownership and management as a result of the private equity funds increase the insecurities among the employees.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Should There Be A Nuclear Power Plant In Saskatchewan? :: essays research papers

Should There Be A Nuclear Power Plant In Saskatchewan?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think there should be a nuclear power plant built in Saskatchewan because I believe it would contribute to the province a great deal. There is a growing need for power in Saskatchewan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Right now in Saskatchewan there is a need for more power. There has question as to putting a nuclear plant is Saskatchewan This I think is the ideal choice of power plants because on 1 bundle of uranium is equal to the power output of 400 tones or 1900 barrels of oil. This is more than adequate to cope with our need for power. Also one good example of our need is that during winter Saskatchewan has to buy power from other provinces in order to have, that is how serious the shortage is.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Saskatchewan there is lots of unemployment. Building a nuclear power plant would create more jobs. This would also benefit the government because less people would be collecting unemployment insurance and welfare. Thus adding to the amount the government could be spending on other things such as fixing highways, better healthcare, and more funding to school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nuclear power is also a lot environment wise. Nuclear power requires a mere fraction of the space that is required to set up a solar, wind, or hydroelectric generating station which. This will allow more space for private landowners and will also keep land prices at a lower cost. Nuclear power is also a much cleaner operating type of fuel. The amount of waste produced is from a nuclear power plant is not even a fraction of the amount of sulfur, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide produced by a coal plant. By building a nuclear power we will reduce acid rain and not add to the global warming. Hydro stations form algae in lakes which reduces the amount of oxygen in the water making it harder for marine life to survive. Although the damage nuclear accidents cause is very bad the risk of a accident is not very probable, so in the long run the damages caused by a nuclear power are very little compared to other generating

Citizen Soldiers essay -- essays research papers

In the book Citizen Soldiers by Stephen E. Ambrose, the title explains mainly what the book is about. The title itself gives you the insight about how the war was fought through the perspective of a regular citizen fighting in the biggest war in history. During the war there were many casualties, as a result more regular citizens were being drafted to go right into battle. In this book Ambrose exemplifies the fact that there were many regular citizens in the war and that they took the situation that they were in and made better of it and overcame it to come home as heroes. The men of the story were ordinary citizens put into an extraordinary situation and came out on top. These men often bonded together through some of the harder times, for example in the text there was a time where one soldier was able to be sent home to the states but refused it because he wanted to stay with his friend. â€Å"It’s either I stay here or he comes too,† those were the feelings of many people in the war that shared a special attachment with another man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book was able to clarify many of my questions left over from Band Of Brothers, like how the men of the companies got along with the newer recruits and how they shared their feelings for them. I soon realized that the citizen soldiers of this book had their really close friends but they really didn’t see the new people as intruding on their war lifestyle and being too anxious to fight. They didn’t react to cruelly...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Changing Gender Roles in William Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- Macbet

Changing Gender Roles in William Shakespeare's Macbeth  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Much attention has been paid to the theme of "manliness" as it appears throughout Macbeth. In his introduction to Macbeth in The Riverside Shakespeare, Frank Kermode contends that the play is "about the eclipse of civility and manhood, [and] the temporary triumph of evil" (1307). Stephen Greenblatt emphasizes the same idea in The Norton Shakespeare, crediting Lady Macbeth for encouraging her husband through both "sexual taunting" and "the terrible force of her determination" (2557-58). Macbeth responds to his wife with "a clear sense of the proper boundaries of his identity as a male and as a human being, [telling her] 'I dare do all that may become a man;/Who dares do more is none' (I.7.46-47)" (2558). Both Kermode's and Greenblatt's notions focus upon how Macbeth's masculinity is recognized and defined -- by Macbeth himself as well as by the potentially influential people who surround him. The critics who introduce the play in these major anthologies perceive the same weakness in Macbeth's character as the apparently evil forces who play upon it do: Macbeth's masculinity becomes the psychological vehicle through which he becomes incensed, inspired, and finally incited to action. If Macbeth's "manliness" is to be questioned, it is not likely to occur within the male-dominated world of battlefields and military victories which Shakespeare introduces in Act I, Scene 2. In this passage, the bleeding Captain praises Macbeth's heroism, contending . . . brave Macbeth--well he deserves that name!-- Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valour's minion Carved out his passage till he faced the slave, Which ne... ... Universities Modern Language Association 70 (Nov. 1988): 366-85. Dolan, Frances. The Taming of the Shrew: Texts and Contexts. Boston: Bedford, 1996. Greenblatt, Stephen. "Introduction to Macbeth." The Norton Shakespeare. New York: Norton, 1997. 2555-63. Hawkins, Michael. "History, politics, and Macbeth." Focus on Macbeth. Ed. John Russell Brown. London: Routledge, 1982. 155-88. Kermode, Frank. "Introduction to Macbeth." The Riverside Shakespeare. Boston: Houghton, 1974. 1307-11. Stallybrass, Peter. "Macbeth and Witchcraft." Focus on Macbeth. Ed. John Russell Brown. London: Routledge, 1982. 189-209. Williamson, Marily L. "Violence and Gender Ideology." Shakespeare Left and Right. Ed. Ivo Kamps et al. New York: Routledge, 1991. 157-66. Winstanley, Lilian. Macbeth, King Lear, and Contemporary History. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1922.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Pride and Prejudice Prediction Essay

In today’s society, everyone looks to find real love. They want to find â€Å"the right one†, get married, and live happily with that one person for as long as the world allows them. Some people will wait as long as it takes to find that special someone, while others find their true love in high school. Is it not amazing that we are given the opportunity to find our own love whenever we want? Then again, we are the only ones who know what we really want for ourselves. So, imagine if we did not get that opportunity of picking who we want to share our lives with for as long as we live.I have a hard time letting my mom pick out my clothes, let alone that special someone that I have to live the rest of my life with. In the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, life is the total opposite of what it is today. Instead of you getting to choose who you want to be with, that person is chosen for you. Sounds like an awful time. The mother would have to pick the spouse and all s he cared about was finding the wealthiest man. Two of the main characters that I want to talk about is Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. From what I have read of the book so far, all these two have done is bicker and disagree on almost everything.But, I think they will fall in love anyway. Even though they seem like total opposites, I think their personalities are a lot alike because they are both very out spoken. Elizabeth Bennet is the second oldest daughter of the five Bennet sisters. She is also known to be the most intelligent, but she is often compared to her sister, Jane, as being of lesser beauty. She is always speaking her mind even though it was frowned upon as a lady during that time period, and she often gets funny looks for what comes out of her mouth.She is very independent and is not fond of people who tell her what to do, which is what that time period was all about for the women. Elizabeth has a very strong personality and it is very hard to confuse her with anyone el se. Mr. Darcy is a very wealthy man and is the master of Pemberley and he is also the nephew of Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Mr. Darcy is very intelligent and honest and he is quite proud of it. His excess amount of pride causes him to look down on others in lower social classes and he kind of treats Elizabeth like this in the beginning of the book.So far in the book he learns to control his temper and class-consciousness and starts to fall in love with Elizabeth and begins to admire her strong character and different personality. Quote: â€Å"Not at all,† he replied; â€Å"they were brightened by the exercise. † –Mr. Darcy In the quote, Mr. Darcy is telling Miss Bingley that Elizabeth looked rather well after all the exercise of walking to see her ill sister Jane. While Miss Bingley was making fun of Elizabeth for having a dirty petticoat, Mr. Darcy completely looked past the fact that she was muddy and a little bit of wreck from the long walk by herself.In fact, he talks about how nice her eyes looked from the exercise and complimented her. I think this quote is pretty important because Mr. Darcy is all about himself and so full of pride and it seems like he only likes to look down on people. But, he compliments Elizabeth when Miss Bingley was making fun of her. He ignores the fact that she is dirty and looks like a mess and only notices how bright her eyes looked from the exercise. I think this is so much of a big deal because Mr. Darcy never compliments anyone and really never says anything nice at all.I thought he was just looking past all of the obvious flaws that everyone else noticed and only looked at what caught his eye. Quote: â€Å"Elizabeth, having rather expected to affront him, was amazed at his gallantry; but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody; and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her. He really believed that were it not for the inferiority of her connections, he should be in some danger. –Narrator This quote comes from chapter 10 after Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth to dance with him. What Elizabeth said to Mr. Darcy after he asked her to dance was no because she thought he was going to despise her taste. She did not want to make a fool of herself, even though Mr. Darcy had no intention of doing so. The quote mentions how Elizabeth was amazed at his courtesy and thoughtfulness but there was a mixture of sweetness and mischievousness in the way he was acting and that she would have a hard time insulting anyone.I think this quote is important because even though Elizabeth just confronted him about the way she feels his attitude is towards her, she still finds him attractive in many ways. Then Mr. Darcy mentions how he had never been so bewitched by any other woman as he was by her. She just told him how she felt about him in a rude way and he still finds her so attractive, or that might have encouraged the way he feels towards her. I predict that Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet will fall in love by the end of the book.Even though they disagree and argue a lot throughout the book, their personalities are a lot alike since they are both so outspoken. One thing that happens between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth is when she shows up to take care of her sister Jane and her petticoat is filthy but Mr. Darcy only talks about how nice her eyes looked from the exercise. Since he looks down on everyone else you would expect him to do the same during that moment. Another is when Elizabeth tells Mr. Darcy off and all they can both think about how attracted they are to one another.